While there is a great write-up on configuring SAML auth for Ansible Tower pubished on the Red Hat Ansible Blog, it’s pretty dated and there are better ways to work with certificate
I’ve posted about OpenShift 4 on vSphere before, but with the release of OCP 4.5.z things have gotten much, much easier. While it certainly takes more than 5 mintues to deploy all components, I’ve trimmed an asciinema capture to demonstrate just how easy installation of OpenShift 4.5 on vSphere has become.
If you’re deploying OpenShift 4.x into vSphere environments without DHCP your deployment options are limited to using Red Hat CoreOS ISOs. This isn’t a big deal, but manually typing the kernel arguments for bootstrap, master, and compute nodes can become a headache, and leads to typos, cursing, and drinking.