OpenShift 4 IPI on vSphere in less than 5 minutes

Grab your popcorn and watch an OpenShift 4 IPI deployment on vSphere in less than 5 minutes!

JR Morgan

1 minute read

I’ve posted about OpenShift 4 on vSphere before, but with the release of OCP 4.5.z things have gotten much, much easier. While it certainly takes more than 5 mintues to deploy all components, I’ve trimmed an asciinema capture to demonstrate just how easy installation of OpenShift 4.5 on vSphere has become.

Automate OpenShift 4 UPI deployments on vSphere using Packer

Quickly deploy OpenShift 4 UPI on vSphere using CoreOS ISO for static network configuration deployments using Packer

JR Morgan

1 minute read

If you’re deploying OpenShift 4.x into vSphere environments without DHCP your deployment options are limited to using Red Hat CoreOS ISOs. This isn’t a big deal, but manually typing the kernel arguments for bootstrap, master, and compute nodes can become a headache, and leads to typos, cursing, and drinking.