
Selective OpenShift IPI on AWS GovCloud without Route 53

Bring your own DNS to an OpenShift IPI deployment on AWS

JR Morgan

4 minute read

If you’ve deployed OpenShift on AWS using the IPI (Installer Provisioned Infrastructure) deployment method then you’re aware of the hardline requirement for Route 53 public/private zones, depending on the publish method set in your OpenShift install-config.yaml. This typically doesn’t present a problem for most customers, but select companies disallow use of Route 53 in favor of their own managed DNS (e.g. Infoblox). Unfortunately this limitation forces most customers to pursue…

NVIDIA gpu-operator installation in a Proxied Environment

Add NVIDIA GPUs to your OpenShift menu in a corporate proxied environment

JR Morgan

4 minute read

If you’re running NVIDIA GPU’s & OpenShift/k8s in an unproxied or transparently proxied environment you probably haven’t encountered too many issues deploying NVIDIA’s gpu-operator (lucky you!), but your experience might not be as pleasant if using a traditional proxy with HTTPS/SSL bumping/inspection enabled.

Practical OpenShift 4 Installation Troubleshooting

Practical OpenShift 4 Installation Troubleshooting

JR Morgan

1 minute read

There’s a lot of great documentation on running, administering, consuming, and troubleshooting OpenShift 4, but the installation process is still a bit vague for some admins, and even more obscure if failures are encountered. I recently stepped through general installation troubleshooting for a failed OpenShift 4.6.8 deployment which hit this bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1895024 - The core issue relates to low entropy on my VMs, but this bug was repeatable and offered a…