CI/CD Hosting on the Cheap: Part I

Low- or no-cost hosting for your startup

JR Morgan

2 minute read

Hosting costs have come down a lot, but cheap and expensive providers alike require administration using pretty lame cPanel hosting controls. Sure, you could run your own instance on AWS, GCE, or Azure, but then you’re introducing the overhead of patching, monitoring, and cost analysis – that last one is paticularly important if your site starts receiving increased traffic. If you can replace your commercial hosting provider with a combination of free solutions, why wouldn’t…

Common OpenShift Pitfalls

So many moving parts... So many opportunities for failure.

JR Morgan

4 minute read

I recently had a customer inquire about the most common issues I’ve run into with OpenShift deployments, operations, and upgrades. This was a great question and justified a writeup!

Enumerate Container Images for Disconnected OpenShift Installations

Need to package images for a disconnected OpenShift deployment? Enumerate the list quickly by querying Red Hat Container Catalog

JR Morgan

1 minute read

If you need to enumerate a comprehensive list of images for disconnected OpenShift installations the process can be tedious. It’s easier to programmatically query the Red Hat Container Catalog, filter out unwanted images, and pull down those that are desired.