Selective OpenShift IPI on AWS GovCloud without Route 53

Deploy a full bare metal OCP 4 cluster using Terraform and Packet's Terraform provider, alongside OpenShift Container Storage (OCS) and OpenShift Virtualization
Containerized Grafana dashboard showing trend & historical data polled from Tesla Powerwall 2 API served up in an easy to use docker image
Add dynamic mermaidjs diagram support via markdown in Future Imperfect theme for Hugo
Preventative maintenance, routine care, and repairs for Kubernetes & OpenShift clusters
I’m a Red Hatter working as a Solutions Architect, formerly a Senior Cloud Success Architect, with a focus on and passion for OpenShift and Ansible. Previous life? Cloud Advanced Technology Lead & Big Data Engineer for Lockheed Martin Space, IT/IS Data Center Manager for Lockheed Martin IS&GS, and Senior Infrastructure Designer/Administrator for the City of Gainesville & City of Alachua.
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